Colorado Home Improvement & Backyard Fitness Centers

Colorado home improvement and fitness centers is trending at the moment and for good reason. For fitness, Northern Colorado is a place where residents enjoy outdoor activity such as hiking, mountain climbing and running. There’s something incredible about breathing in our fresh air while getting in a good workout. This week we are answering questions for turning your backyard into a fitness center just in time for spring.

Q.) Who needs a backyard gym?
A.) Anyone who enjoys the simplicity rather than over-rated, work out equipment with sweaty strangers. While getting your sweat on at the local athletic club might be great, others want privacy and safety working out from home. Not to mention, the convenience involved with having to visit a location. Backyard gyms can include super-simple setups like a rope swinging from a pergola or a big tire you can drag across the lawn. Kick up your imagination a few notches. Who knows? You may be the next person with a bad-a$$ backyard gym!

Q.) What do you need to include for an outdoor gym?
A.) Use your imagination. From punching bags to kettle bells, homeowners are coming up with unique ideas for their outdoor spaces. A fitness or training experience can include anything from an obstacle course to an athletic playground. An excellent company to check out is MoveStrong who builds fitness stations around the states. Their products look solid and provide tons of versatility. Any good outdoor gym will include the following equipment:
- Bench
- Heavy-Duty Rope
- Upper and Lower Body Machine
- Multi-level Bars
- Cardiovascular Equipment
- Balance Board Station
- Traditional Sit-Up Station

Q.) When Should I Take on this Project?
A.) Spring and summer months are the best times to start your design/build. By this time, weather should settle for you to begin. In most cases, you should be able to complete within a week. However, order your parts and materials as soon as you’ve made a selection. USPS is taking a lot of time with delivery these days. In addition, there are a ton of manufacturers from Europe, with longer turn-around times to receive your gear.

Q.) Where should I build my backyard gym?
A.) The answer to this is it truly your decision. Some people prefer to place it on the West to avoid bright sunlight during the morning. Others prefer to put their gym where they have the most daylight and like the heat. Determining where to place the gym will depend on your preference. Take it from there. However, if you tend to workout in the morning hours, a place where the sun isn’t blasting your equipment may be a suggestion.

Q.) What is the cost of turning your backyard into a fitness center?
A.) Type of equipment determines the cost. The range is anywhere from a couple hundred bucks to $47,000 just to give a ball-park. Remember, you won’t need a lot of gear to turn your backyard into a calorie-burning zone. Some people get creative with a few rubber mats and some weights and a bench. It depends on you and what you like. More importantly for homeowners, an outdoor gym has perceived value for some home buyers but not all. Depending on the length of time you’ll be in the home, you may want to keep it simple for easy tear downs. (JUST IN CASE).
Q.) Why would anyone want a gym in their backyard?
A.) These are some basic ideas outlining a few suggestions on why anyone would want a backyard fitness center. Here are a few answers:
- Kids of ALL ages will enjoy this backyard feature.
- Working out in the privacy of your own home is a plus.
- Boost metabolism.
- Live a healthier lifestyle.
- Weight-loss, Strength and Agility.
- Balance and Posture.
- Mood Elevation.
- Brain Fitness.
- Better Sleep.
- The list is endless, so we’ll stop here. LOL
Q.) What Alternatives are Available to Spending on Equipment?
A.) If you want to turn your backyard into a fitness center and don’t want to spend a lot of money, consider what Dr. James Kojian suggests. He recommends mowing the lawn, weeding the garden, and hanging rope from a sturdy tree branch as ways to stay fit.

Q.) Can I build an indoor gym in my backyard?
A.) You don’t need a lot of fancy equipment like elliptical machines and advanced equipment to get a good routine down. Something trending is the use of containers to build an indoor gym. Shipping containers have gained popularity resulting in a resourceful way to recycle. But, did you ever think to use them as an addition to your home? They are the perfect size. Containers also have the ability to renovate while saving the environment. In Johnstown, CO, you’ll find Front Range Containers/Inland Leasing & Storage a wonderful resource if you’re looking to go that route.

Q.) Are there any backyard fitness sets for kids and adults?
A.) You’ll find the Outdoor Ninja Course offers superior products at perfect for the whole family. While we aren’t endorsing any of these businesses, we do want to provide the info in case you decide to cancel your gym membership to build a personal fitness studio. We are certain these folks will take good care of you. But, make sure you know about your property and if there are any rules to building an addition or putting in a container gym.

Tip: Check with HOA’s for Height Requirements or Restrictions.
The Biggest Reason Homeowners are Adding a Home Gym…Convenience
No matter if you’re working out on the patio or your studio, you can grab some resistance bands to feel the burn. Just imagine you’ll be burning fat, building muscle, and you will have the freedom to do it anywhere. Yoga studio hours aren’t working for your schedule. No problem. Resistance Bands are always available. The best part is you can lay down a yoga mat anywhere in your yard and get a wonderful workout. In fact, working out from home is safer, cost less and is C-O-N-V-E-N-I-E-N-T.
Your Backyard Fitness Center is Convenient as Heck!
One of the biggest benefits to turning your backyard into a fitness center; no one is guilty of hogging up the equipment. The biggest complaint at any gym is the busy schedules. Members do not like to wait on machines. With a personal gym in your backyard, waiting isn’t necessary. In addition, if you live in the foothills or near the mountains, you’ll cap off your set with a jog or run on the nearest trails. Most of us would take that over the wait, any day.
Now you know how building some backyard fitness equates to fun. Put your plan into action. We’d love for you to share with us. In the meantime, be sure to check out my Pinterest Boards to get more ideas.
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